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Online Dating is a Serious Game
but if you’re not playing the game correctly – you could get seriously hurt.

Here are some tips, from me and other dating pros

-Don’t overshare information, they are still a stranger after all
-If you link your Instagram, be sure your photos don’t have any personal information (true story, a friend matched with me as a joke and I saw that he posted his new car on his IG which subsequently was displayed with his license plate all over Hinge…)
-Always share your location with a trusted friend or family member
-If a friend wants to swipe for you, just be sure you go back and review your matches to be sure you feel good about them
-If you swap numbers, I always ask for a selfie (and will share one) to be sure there’s less of a chance to be catfished or put in harms way
-Trust your instincts, if your body is telling you that something is wrong – trust it.

-It’s ok to be upfront with what you want. If you want a relationship – say it, if you only want sex – say it. Set the expectations up front and the rest will eventually follow.
N from Cali said “a condition of me meeting them is that we were going on a date not meeting up for a hookup. That narrowed down the pool tremendously. and she met her hubby on Tinder.
-B from Chicago says, “Be 100% unapologetically yourself”
– it’s totally okay to reach out first. I actually enjoy it, because then I control the level that the conversation is entered into and I can gauge a person’s personality pretty quick
-K from Chicago says, “Keep pictures as current as you can.”
-Don’t Ghost people, it’s not nice. Just be honest in communication. If you’re not into it, then you’re not into it.
-Use GIFs, use jokes, whatever you find entertaining – use it. You are looking for a person who is into you, for you after all. If they don’t find you funny, bye!

-Ask more than “How’s your day?”
-Bring a plan B (nooo, not the pill). I always carry a deck of cards, just in case!
-Brush your teeth, and carry mints/gum

Have any tips you want to add? Message me!