Let’s play catch (up)

Holy batman, I’m super behind on my dating stories. I have plenty to catch y’all up with, and then I will write blogs more often for the dates that occured from November until now…sooo, for now, here are the updates on the men aforementioned in this blog.

CHUCK: dead. beyond dead. Soooo here’s how that all went down. Right around the end of  December, he randomly texted me and we chatted for a good half hour. Then he asked me out to drinks later that day. I ended up meeting up with him and his friend at a BBQ joint where they were prett tipsy from day drinking. We traveled to another bar, where more of his friends met up. We all were drinking and having a good time until people slowly started to trickle out. Chuck, his friend Tom and I went back to Chuck’s place to drink a bit and then went out dancing more. We had an amazing time and all Tom kept bringing up was how perfect we were together…and that Chuck had finally met his match. It made me sad to hear that because I really liked this kid. I wasn’t expecting a relationship, but I would have liked to hang out more frequently than we had in the past. Anyway, we finally all went back to Chuck’s house where I slept in his bed and Tom slept on the couch.

In the morning, Tom asked if we wanted to get brunch (hell yes!). We went out, ate like kings, Chuck paid for my breakfast and then Tom dropped us back off to Chuck’s place. I ended up hanging out at Chuck’s place all day, where we watched TV, napped, had the sexy time. It was amazing. I then left because I had to go to work. Then, just a couple days later we met up again for drinks with his buddies and he came home with me. That night, I asked if he wanted to be my date to a black tie gala the night before NYE. He excitedly agreed and I was pumped that we would finally have plans together that didn’t involve meeting each other at a dive bar. At last, the week of NYE rolls around and I asked him on Monday if we was still in to go to the gala and he said no. I should have known better….Until that night rolled around and he asked what I was doing. I said, “going to the ball I asked you to go to.” He said, “OH SHIT! Why didn’t you remind me?” I said, “I did.” To which he replied, “I blame traveling for the holidays but call me when you’re done tonight and we will hook up.” We ended up meeting up at a bar, and he invited me out for NYE plans. Whoa…I doubted it would go through but hey, I’m hopeful. We ended up going back to his place where I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up to my phone ringing at 5:00am from my sister telling me that she just had her baby. I left Chuck’s house early and drove to Wisconsin with my dad. In the middle of the day, I texted Chuck asking what time the party was so I could be back in time…..

Chuck: “Oh yeah, about that. I just found out my ex is going to be there, and it would be weird if you came. I just don’t want to put up with that drama.”

Me (internally): “Oh, fuck off.”

And that’s been that.

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ROBINSON: So, Robinson was traveling back to Ohio for the holidays and was taking the train. I worked at a train station at the time,  so he asked if we could meet up for a drink. As I waited for him at the bar, I was slightly nervous as we didn’t necessarily end on the best of terms. As he walked up, I forgot how hot he was…woof. We ended up joking around as usual and he bought us a round of beers. As we chatted, he told me that he hadn’t dated anyone since me and isn’t really looking to date…interesting. We texted a bit, but that was it.

Until recently, he texted me asking for weed. Yeah….I don’t smoke.

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HARDING: We still chat, yep. I’m going to Austin, where he lives, and will be spending a night with him. Holler! We will see how that goes 😀


Until next time ❤

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