
I recently went on a date with a divorcee.

Now, I’m not passing judgment and we also had a really fun date but maaannn I was uncomfortable at times.

This fellas name is Jersey (name changed). Jersey ironically is from New Yawk, Manhattan specifically and was in Chicago for a landscaping conference…woooo, exciting stuff. We ended up matching on Tinder and chatted for a bit. Since he said he was from out of town, he wanted to spend his last night doing something fun and exploring the city a bit more. Sounds like fun to me 🙂 He asked to play darts at a bar that had Tito’s Vodka. I asked him to meet me at The Monarch.

Ps, The Monarch is adorable and their bartenders are hilarious!

He reminded me so much of my ex, Saba (real name). They are both a little nerdy but have cute faces. They make jokes that make you want to say, “awww..” and they both are passionate. We got a couple of drinks, chatted and I taught him how to play Cricket. I ended up winning (yay!) and we chatted about our jobs, families, and how he really enjoys the #RightSharkForYou. Ironically enough, my Instagram profile picture is me as the right shark in cartoon form. We got a good kick out of that. Finally, we started talking about Umami flavors and bone marrow (mmm), and mentioned there was a burger place called Umami Burger just up the road.

You bet your ass we went, and man we both almost died of pure bliss. If you have not been to Umami Burger, YOU MUST STOP WHAT YOU”RE DOING (after you’re finished reading, of course) AND GO THERE NOW! I got the Manly burger and wouldn’t ever kick it out of bed. We chatted some more and all I could hear was his bitter disdain for his ex-wife. Apparently they dated for 3-3.5 years and everything went great. They got along, wanted the same things out of life, had the same career and family goals. Everything went so well that he ended up moving to Tampa for her. Once he moved, they quickly got engaged and then married a year later. 6 months into the marriage, she just said she didn’t want it anymore and asked for a divorce. He didn’t have to say it, but he is still deeply in love with her and deeply hurt. What’s ironic is that I immediately thought of my most recent ex. She was deeply hurting after she broke up with me, and I didn’t understand it at the time but I get it now. Despite how much you love and care for someone, sometimes you just need to put yourself first.

I don’t think his ex broke up with him on a whim, I think this was building up and things were moving in a direction so quickly that she didn’t know how to break it off until it was too late. But again, I don’t know their entire situation and he seems like a really nice guy? Anyway, it was a good end to a Sunday night and I’m glad I met him. I hope he learns from this and then learns to let go.

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