In a funk

I’m feeling pretty lonely in this big city. I have a wonderful support system outside of this state but Chicago and Illinois have left me to fend for myself.

My friends from home are sweet whenever we hang out, but I don’t really know anything about them anymore. All we do is get wasted, which is fun…but also gets exhausting and fattening.

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Sorority sisters have all disappeared at one time or another. Then there’s that time I tried to be close friends with girls who are a decade younger than me….because I felt lonely. They don’t see me as a friend, they see me as a leader/mentor. Awks.

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I just want a group of friends who wants to have dinner dates, and watch TV/movies together, and can hold their drinks. Classy kids who look good and hold themselves well and can make each other laugh. I want people who include me in fun group texts and where we fight but still love each other. Hello, FRIENDS and HIMYM?

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Maybe that’s why I am seeking out more dates for company…
I’m in a funk.

Le sigh.

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