Chuck Saga Part II

Reminds me of “Twilight Saga”…Lawd.

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Chuck and I were dunzo. He was over it, I was getting over it (..remember STRONG ARMS, SMELLS LIKE CLEAN LAUNDRY, FUNNY…yeah, ok.) So I ‘un-matched’ him on Happn and deleted his number. I was moving on to sending more <3’s out to the cuties in the Happn world.

Cue Thursday at 11:00pm.

Chuck: Hey! What are you up to?
I had just gotten home from trivia league with my girls and still wanted to party. Good             timing, kid. I also am a creep because I remembered the first 3 digits of his phone                   number.
Me: Oh hey. I just got home, what are you up to?
Chuck: I’m at double door watching a show, you should come out.
Me: I’ve never been there. Is it free?
Chuck: Hell yes! Come by. It’s right by the Damen Blue Line stop.
Me: Ok, I’ll leave in 20.
Chuck: Come around to door 3

Of course I put on a cute, see-through top and black pants (which totally needed lint rolling, whoops!) and travel over to Double Door. I saw him outside with a group of people smoking and decided to be all cute. He proceeded to give me a hug, ask if I want a smoke, and then asked me about my day. We then go downstairs, he buys me a drink because I needed to get at his level. We see his buddy performing and Chuck starts to dance. I’m also a sucker for guys (and gals) who aren’t afraid to bust a move. After awhile, he decide to go outside for a smoke and on the walk up and out, he pushes me against the wall and kisses me.

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Oh, hello 🙂

You would have thought we had been dating for awhile with the way we were holding hands and wrapped up…gross. However, he wasn’t as good of a kisser as I remember.

We decide that going to Blue Line Bar with this random chick we met and his buddy was up next on the agenda. They have board games there! We busted out Operation and failed miserably, but then we played Battleship. Being a pretty competitive person and the most sober person there, I was having a ton of fun. Chuck then asks what I am doing on Saturday. I said I had plans to get an early haircut, then go to Pride Fest or Taste of Randolph (my roommate had a visitor and we were entertaining her). He was going to his cousin’s wedding in Milwaukee and asked if I wanted to go. Since I work in that industry, I know better than to just show up to a wedding and I wasn’t all that comfortable going. Back to Blue Line: his buddy had just gotten out of a long-term relationship and was not ready to be flirting with that random chick. He then proceeds to say he will get me a cab home to make sure I get back safe and then will ride his bike home. As I was saying bye, Chuck hops into my cab and takes us back home.

Now, I ain’t that kind of girl.

So I walked in the direction of my apartment, but sat outside while I called him an Uber. He was royally upset when I didn’t invite him in…meh.

I didn’t hear from him all day Friday, but Friday night he asked again if I wanted to go to the wedding. I said I couldn’t, but thanks again for the invite. Now, Friday night, my roommate (and her visitor) became an asshole and came home at 5am to steal basically all of our booze to bring to some random’s house. Not cool to be noisy at 5am, more uncool to steal our liquor supply. They end up leaving me in a terrible mood. 7:30a rolls around and I wake up early to work-out…I saw a text from my roommate telling me to call her when I’m up and decided that I wanted to work-out my stress prior to working with her. 8a: BUZZZZZZ BUZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZ. Repeatedly for 3 minutes, the door bell buzzer kept going off. When I answered, it was my roommate. Her drunkass had left her keys someplace unknown and couldn’t get in. Now, I’m super annoyed and don’t want to deal with them. So as I walk to my haircut appointment at 9:30a, I texted Chuck and said I would be happy to be your date if he could wait until 1pm to leave. I wouldn’t go to dinner but I’dmeet him at the reception. 11a rolls around, and he says he is already leaving. Okies, have fun!

I drunkenly texted him on Saturday night asking him about the wedding. Apparently there was a lot of family drama, so he drove back to Chicago. He asked me to watch a documentary at his place. I was out with a buddy of mine who was visiting from the burbs and asked Chuck if he wanted to come over and play some drinking games with us. He said YES. Ok, this looks like things are starting to look up a bit.

Enter: lingering roommate drama.

My roommate yells at us to keep it down. My vindictive response was “Yeah, of course! I will keep it down the same way you kept it down last night!” She proceeded to tell me that I can’t have strangers over and now she requires 24 hour notice AND must approve all guests before they can come over. Chuck dipped because he had seen enough drama for one night and my friend left uncomfortably as well. Cool, real f*ing cool.

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In a dramatic sweep, I stole 6 beers from home and asked Chuck if I could stay over because I didn’t want to be at home. He came to the door of his apartment and helped me carry stuff in (KCute.) We watched Nick Swardson’s new comedy special (Nick got a liiiittle chunky monkey) and I fell asleep on the couch. Chuck walked me to his bed and the rest will be left to your imagination. Let’s just say, wow.

Sunday rolls around, and we chat all morning until he realizes that it’s almost 1pm and he needs to do laundry and go grocery shopping. He drives me home and we say bye. Not a bad night/day.

Then, we didn’t talk again…for 5 days. Now like I said before, I’m not expecting a relationship. At this point, I would much prefer FwB because he’s a flake. Turns out, he’s even a flake at being FwB.

Kait says I’m being a fool and need to just let him go completely, but I just can’t seem to shake him 100%. Stay tuned for the end of the Chuck Twilight Saga.

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