Always a planner, never a bride.

I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. ‘Murica.


Aside from working in the events industry, I also coordinate and plan weddings. July 3, 2015 was a beautiful day to get married, congratulations again T&R. The groom is Mexican and comes from a big ol family with lots of laughter and love. I would be lying if I said that I never wanted to be Mexican. They have awesome food, the amazing spanish RRRRRRRR, and big, loving families and groups of friends. As I saw this couple interact with their loved ones, I wanted to be a part of their group. My work as a day-of coordinator slooowwwsss dramatically after dinner is served, so in pure me fashion, I stationed myself up at the DJ booth. The DJ and I got along swimmingly and we have the same sense of mocking humor, so it was a fun night! I bet you think this story is going to be about how the DJ was hitting on me, shiz got weird….wellll….it’s not 🙂 For some reason, this wedding group was more in to taking photos with every single person at the wedding. The dance floor was bare for a good hour. I don’t play like that, so I ask the DJ for specific ‘ohh man, that’s my jam! Let’s go dance‘ songs. Crickets. Without realizing it, I start to dance with myself near the DJ booth and all of a sudden I hear, “Hey, you did a great job coordinating this all today. It was really organized and fun!” I turn. OH HELLO CUTE GROOMSMAN I was eyeing during the ceremony.

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Maybe this is my chance to swoop into the group (I’m sucha creep). I thanked him and asked why he wasn’t on the dance floor. He said, “I saw you you want to dance with me?” Sure! He was showing me how to properly bachata, freaking adorable. Of course, my nose sweats when I get nervous and then my glasses started fogging up…I couldn’t even take my glasses off because he was holding my hands and I didn’t want to let go (cheese). After the song was over, we ended up taking for a good 20 minutes about our jobs, our families, what food we like, bad roommate stories, etc. Yay for decent conversation, finally! Isn’t there always a catch? He asked how old I was and in pure girl fashion, I responded with “how old do you think I am?” He says “24 or 25.” Not baaadd since I’m 29. Then I asked how old he was and he said 38. RED FLAG: you thought I was 24 and you knowingly went to hit on someone 14 years your junior? Woof. Oh and he has two daughters, 8 and 10… AND is still super close to the baby momma. I don’t play that game. I am 98.9% sure I don’t want kids. aanndddd then a baby momma too? Nonetheless, he was still fun to talk to. He kept coming back to the dance floor to talk to me and then asked me to dance a few more times. I kept it professional, because I was still on the clock but I did get a little wink from the bride. At the end of the night, he asked for my card – I don’t have any yet – so I said I would write down my info when I was done. I went back into coordinator mode and was helping everyone breakdown, clean, and clear the eff out. During breakdown, he kept saying ‘don’t leave yet.’ Uhhh..not sure if that was meant to be sweet or creepy. I finally sat to put stuff away in boxes and watched him walk right out, yes, without my information, and never come back. Is that the catch? Was he drunk?  Who knows? He is currently hamming it up in the Dominican with his buddy so it’s not like sufficient conversation would have happened anyway.

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til next time, kids. ❤

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